Nonprofits, Again
Last week, I accepted a position with Meta Mesh Wireless Communities, a nonprofit. I plan to begin working full-time on Monday, March 14th. My job will include helping families in under-served communities get access to high-speed internet so they can participate in online schooling, tele-health, e-commerce, and online fun. Just like the rest of us.
I am excited to start this work but remain committed to writing and sharing my voice as a dad, husband, and explorer. I am also still committed to continuing the process of refining and seeking publication for my fantasy novel, The Tree of Children. I keep having to hold myself back from writing the third part, to be honest, because I want to get into it so much. For now, it is enough that I am finished with my line edits, have a lovely cover illustration, and am passing the project off to an editor for a developmental consultation. The third part will have to wait, for now.
I just finished reading a slew of morning newsletters and am reminded of how fortunate we are to expect our daily comforts despite the world of tragedy simmering around us. There are thousands of voices available because of the internet and the apparent ubiquity of access. It excites me to know that my upcoming role will be to expand that access to those who, so far, have not been included. Hopefully, those we add will have the chance to hear from those thousands of voices - and add their own. After all, isn't it time we hear from everyone, hear from all the voices? Maybe for some of us, it is time to talk less, sit back, and listen.