Essay Battle for High Earth The Lightening Armada flew in close to the moon along the dark side to shield it from Terran scanners. After executing the sling around the white orb and closing the final distance to the planet, the crew has been on Alert: Launch Ready Only status.
Blog On Raising A Boy There is a little monster inside men. It rages and hungers for violence, in a constant pitched battle with those other elements inside who…
Blog Behind the Closed Door We’ve all seen it, we’ve all been there. That spot on the path leading up to an arched doorway. We tried the handle, turned the knob…
Essay The Extraordinary Concept of Living You are sitting there wondering what to make of yourself, of your life, of maybe the next few minutes. Give those minutes to me. I want to show you something.
Blog Wanting an Impossible Burger A year ago, my wife brought home a packet of Beyond Meat burgers. These are the plant-based protein patties that have been engineered to replicated ground beef, but contain no beef in them. They even go so far as to include runny red beet juice to simulate bleeding rare beef.
Essay What Happened with the 80s? I was thinking about the incredible boom happening in the craft liquor and spirits and beer industries. Gin producers are now foraging the herbs and roots that flavor their products. The hippeningof unique brandy flavors is on the horizon.
Blog Mac & Cheese I'm 46. Still makes me happy. Not fancy. No lobster. Photo by Chris Field. All rights reserved.
Blog Channeling Anger As Americans, we really feel righteous in anger. We’ve been played by the entertainment industry into thinking that being enraged is equivalent to being informed, and we’ve become too comfortable with laughing at snipes about what is going on around us.
Blog Get Sleep It can be a challenge to try to get a solid eight hours of sleep regularly. Many things call for our attention: kids, work, email, house chores, school work, pets, hobbies, fitness routines - by the end of the day, it is easy to feel justified in zoning out in front of the TV.
Blog Disappearing into the Fog Photo by Chris Field. All rights reserved.Cathedral of Learning, University of Pittsburgh 2019.
Blog Hope for the Spring Now that we've broken through the historic cold snap that hit most of the US last week, I feel like spring is already here. I know it is unreasonable to start looking for flowers and birds - it is still early February.
Blog The Play Deficit Photo by Halfpoint [] , used under license through Adobe Stock.Some more reading on modern children and changes in their upbringing. The golden rule of social play is not ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’ Rather, it’s something
Blog Smartphones and Our Children There is compelling evidence that the devices we’ve placed in young people’s hands are having profound effects on their lives—and making them seriously unhappy.
Blog BEST PGH Launched the first draft of BEST PGH (editor's note, 2021:, now defunct) my exploration project of bringing business services to existing commercial endeavors in the under served neighborhoods of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. I intend to bridge gaps in financing and IT development in low-income
Blog Alisha B Wormsley's Art in East Liberty []Love this sign that was posted on Jon Rubin’s billboard atop the Werner Building in East Liberty. I did not know its removal in April 2018 caused a ruckus. Check out the artist responsible for the text, Alisha B Wormsley. [https://www.alishabwormsley.
Blog CONNECTing in Allegheny County I had the pleasure of attending a CONNECT meeting yesterday. CONNECT [] is a regular meeting, usually monthly, of invited leadership from Allegheny County who gather together and work on solving common municipal issues. CONNECT is housed at the University of Pittsburgh, in the Graduate School
Blog Preserving our Heritage I can't believe this exists. It is wild and offensive and hilarious and says so much about who we were as a culture in the US at the time.
Blog We are born a stock human being I wonder if one of these two videos borrowed from the other (author's note 2021: video is gone! ugh) and Specifically, there is a section of The Thin Red Line seen in the opening of this compilation:
Blog Airlie Gardens A few photos from a fun day at Airlie Gardens in North Carolina. Photo by Chris Field. All rights reserved.Photo by Chris Field. All rights reserved.Photo by Chris Field. All rights reserved.My little yinzers enjoying Arlie Gardens in North Carolina.
Blog Calling the Kids Photo by Davide Ragusa [] at Life of Pix []. Image donated to Public Domain.I call the kids from the first floor. They don't respond. What are they doing up there? I am as a voice, whispering into the
Blog Using WPEngine's CDN It turns out that using the CDN with WPEngine causes a few issues. The first was a problem with also having SSL on. A session with the chat desk resolved it. Next, the development URLs persisted ( instead of Another chat session took care of that
Blog That Old Anonymous Web At least you might think that if you ever spent any time reading through the comments section of any online article, that has a decent readership. People harass one another, start arguments by nitpicking silly iota, and inevitably, someone brings up a comparison to Hitler.